The show follows the adventures of rikuo nura voiced by jun fukuyama, a supposedly normal. Taking us back a number of year, it shows how nura was first announced as the successor to the clan. Rise of the yokai clan 18 original by hiroshi shiibashi isbn. Rise of the yokai clan tv anime gets 2nd season dec 14, 2010 lucky star, spice and wolf ii, uta.
Rise of the yokai clan demon capital ran for 24 episodes and aired from july 5, 2011 to december 20, 2011 on yomiuri tv and. More nura rise of the yokai clan available on the site. By night, teenage rikuo becomes a form of demon called yokai, preparing to. Rikuo nura is an average middle school student by day and yokai by night. Rise of the yokai clan begins with a very interesting prequel episode. Rise of the yokai clan seasons ads posted jun 21, 2011 north american anime, manga releases, june 511 jun 7, 2011 topselling manga in japan. Rise of the yokai clan demon capital aired in 2011. The battle between the nura clan and the shikoku yokai is slowly going in favor of rikuo and his friends. Rise of the yokai clan is a shonen anime series based on a manga published in jump magazine. But strangely enough, tamazuki is still beaming with confidence.
Kata streamed dec 2, 2010 japans animation dvd ranking, november 2228 part 2 nov. Nura rise of the yokai clan season 1 episode 02 sehjada duration. An anime adaptation by studio deen began airing in japan in 2010. Nura rise of the yokai clan season 1 episode 02 sehjada youtube. Nura rise of the yokai clan episode 18 english dub duration. Download nura rise of the yokai clan fast and for free.
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